Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to give my newborn baby water?

No, the breast milk and formula supply the fluid that your baby needs.


Should I use anything to clean my baby’s tongue?

No, a clean cloth moistened with cool boiled water is adequate.


What should I wash my baby’s clothes with?

Babies’ clothes can be washed in regular detergent, however, take care to rinse them well.


Should I wash my baby’s hair?

Yes ,a newborn‘s head should be washed with  soapy water, then rinsed. You can shampoo older babies’ heads with a baby shampoo once or 3 times per week depending on the situation.


When should I stop giving my baby a bottle?

You should introduce the cup by 9 months and fully substitute it for the bottle by one  year.  It’s best to have the child stop the bottle by the time he / she is walking.


Should I sweeten the formula?

It is best not to give your baby any sugar .If you do, she will develop a taste for sweet food which may lead to excessive calorie consumption and obesity.


Should I pick up my baby if he is crying?

Babies need to be held for the first 3 months of life.  They are sensitive during this period because maturation of the nervous system is incomplete.  As he matures, your baby will cry less.  He will also be comforted by  your stroking and talking to him.


What should I give my baby if she vomits?

You should rest the stomach and give clear fluids like juice or broth in small amounts. If the vomiting persists, you should get medical advice.

Open Hours

Mon-Fri: 9 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: 9 AM - 1 PM
Emergency Visits Available!

About Us

Dr. Lovell- Roberts is a Member of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.  She completed her MB.B.S at the University Hospital of the West Indies in Jamaica and did her specialty training in the Caribbean and the United Kingdom.


Cross Street, St. John's
Antigua & Barbuda (West Indies)
Phone: (268) 462-3710

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